Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, when you communicate with someone for long enough you get to understand the types of things that they would say or do. I don't text Ariel very often but have done it enough that I would recognize if someone else had her phone and was texting me. This is sometimes the problems with texts, you never really know who sends them, you just assume it is the person who's phone it is. Well yesterday I text Ariel to see if she was coming to a basketball game and this was the text conversation:
(Just as an fyi we also sometimes call Ariel "Earl")

Me- Are you guys coming?
Ariel- We havent gone yet k just chill
Me- Woah simmer person who isn't ariel but has ariel's phone!
Ariel- 11:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:11it earl k
Me- Lies
Ariel- Sorry this is Ariel now...

I could tell that it wasn't Ariel who had sent me the message so I wasn't offended by the "k just chill" which may have seemed a bit harsh. Interesting how that kind of communication works.

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