Thursday, March 3, 2011

Weddings! What? Who get's married!?

I was never the girl who had her whole wedding planned out since she was a little girl or even a teenager (or whenever it is that some girls plan such things.) I'd never thought about it until 2007 when my best friend Melody got married... and then I started thinking about it a little because it was interesting to see what she did with her wedding, and of course the cogs started turning in my head...

Then this winter my other best friend, Brandy got engaged and she'll be getting married in June, so obviously we have been talking a lot of "wedding talk" and once again has been making me think about all this. I know that I am not getting married anytime soon but in looking I've found some things that I like... so embarrassingly I'll post them here. This is something I've found out that's new about myself. I like looking at wedding things... eek!

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