Tuesday, March 1, 2011

“Miracles happen to those who believe in them.”

I used to believe that miracles could happen every day when I was on my mission in England, and I used to see miracles every day, it was incredible. When I came home I guess I just stopped believing that miracles could happen outside of my mission. (The picture to the left is an example of a miracle I saw on my mission.) Well I was indeed very wrong about that and have been proven wrong in the past few days. I started believing in miracles again because of some things that happened to me.

One of the first being that I had to teach a lesson this Sunday at church, I had been thinking a lot about what I should teach and what the girls in my Relief Society needed to hear and about 3 weeks ago it just hit me that the subject of my lesson should be, "What makes us beautiful?" I guess just about everyone in my lesson that day needed to hear my lesson and I was told that one of the girls in my Relief Society has been saying that she is not beautiful lately and was one of the ones most affected by this lesson. It was incredible and I didn't feel like I was the one teaching. That was the first miracle.

The second miracle happened on Monday when I applied for and got accepted to the fast grad program the same day! Usually it takes 2-3 weeks to process and get everything done. I personally took my paper around to get all the signatures and everything just worked out perfectly with professors being there to be able to sign it. It was honestly just what I needed because it put my heart at rest.

THEN to add to miracles I heard about another one today from one of my mission companions. We taught a lady named Jean and she eventually got baptised, but her husband David was not exactly supportive or happy about, but today I heard this stroy about him: (It's in the form of my friend telling me over facebook chat.)

(A picture of me and Lizzie with Jean) :) "On christmas eve last year he had a heartattack jean being a nurse knew the signs and luckily they were at home and she called the ambulance... it was lucky as they had been out all day and were planning to go out again in the evening and it would have been a nightmare if he'd been driving! anyway the ambulance came and took him... they call the hospital and the surgeons in there were just about to go home -- so luckily they stayed and had everything ready to go when he got in he had the surgery to unclog the blocked arteries - he had an 80% chance of dying it was that bad but miraculously he was ok the whole ward were praying for him and jean asked him if he wanted a blessing--- he said YES so on boxing day ami and jason gave him a blessing and he's been ok so he knew he had to give up smoking and drinking coffee/tea he hasn't smoked a cigarette since!! and he's weaning himself off of tea etc he said he knows its not by chance that everything went the way it did - he accepted that there definitely is a God and he said that people from church could visit him - jason has been going every sunday for a while to fellowship him anyway (what a legend) so he's been to church!!!!! and he enjoys it the members are just brilliant with him and he really gets on with jason! so its perfect really there's now a senior couple in worksop as well as sisters and the couple are teaching him he gets on well with them! this is amazing... he told jean that because of the seriousness of the heart attack he was sorry that they wouldn't be able to fly to salt lake to be sealed as a family - but he realised he could make it to preston.jean said her heart jumped out of her chest! haha i can't stop smiling every time i think about it the Lord moves in mysterious ways..."

I know that miracles happen, and because I opened my eyes to them I have been seeing them everyday.

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