Monday, March 14, 2011

EFY 2010 Walking in Sunlight

This is a song I first heard last semester from the latest EFY cd and I just love it because it helps me remember that the gospel brings light to my life and has changed everything. I can walk in the sunlight even if my life seems a bit dark. That is the blessing of having the gospel.

I also had this thought over the weekend: The truth of it is... life always cahnges... "There's nothing so constant as change..." and this is something you can always depend on... But of all the things I know to be true I think the most important is that I know God lives and I know that He loves me. I know that as people come and go and as life goes on it's never-ending course the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God's love for His children is something that will never cahnge no matter the course this Earth or our lives take. That is the one thing I can always depend on. I know that we can have hope in this life and hope in the life to come because of the infinite sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf. I know that our lives are most beautiful when we share them with others. I know we came here not only to return to God ourselves but to help others see the light and desire to return to Him as well."

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