"The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints"
but this time no one paid attention to me, I was just another person in that store. In that moment I ceased feeling important, I ceased feeling like I was somebody... I had felt important and of worth on my mission because I was doing the work of the Lord, I was His servant. Well I have struggled for 10 months to understand what the Lord would have me do now that I am home, what is the role that I must play here. I went back to school in Rexburg (though I did not want to) and one night that fall semester a roommate of mine, Carrie Akemon, and I went for a walk. I think we both just needed to talk. So we walked around this block several times just chatting and it was brought up that she had thought about serving a mission, but of course had her doubts... the things that she would have to sacrifice, the fact that she was 22, the money it would cost, the fact that she wouldn't quite be done with school and a few other things. I didn't think much of it then, but I told her that we all have qualms about serving a mission but we have to first put our trust in God. We have to believe that He will provide for us and take care of us. It's not always easy because we can't see what He sees, and we don't know what He knows; but we do know that He loves us and knows what is best for us. I promised her that if she went it would be the best thing that has ever happened in her life because that is what it was for me... and it changed my life forever.
Well. Sister Carrie Akemon went into the Provo MTC on February 2nd, 2011 to learn and be instructed before she heads to the Colorado Springs, Colorado Mission. I got to see her a few days before her entrance into the MTC and she told me that the talk we had that night was the reason she had decided to go on a mission... I was really touched, and the Spirit has whispered to me that that was part of the reason I needed to come back to Rexburg for school. That the Lord still needs me serving in His church and that I still can make a difference in people's lives. I am grateful I could make a difference in her life. She will be a fantastic missionary. It just goes to show that when we put the Lord first He blesses us and those around us.
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