Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 things that make me happy...

I decided that I would share more about myself by sharing the top ten things that make me happy. I did this on my mission to help the people I was teaching to see the good things that they have in their lives, and it helps me be more grateful for the things that God has given me as well (which is pretty much everything). Now this list doesn't include the obvious things like my friends and family and the Gospel of Jesus Christ because I am trying to look a little farther outside the box, so here we go. (This list is in no particular order.)

1. Mountains/Being Outdoors

2. Strawberry Lime Jones Soda

3. Soccer (Watching and playing)

4. The Colors Orange & Blue

5. Thunderstorms & Lightning (Rain & Snow)

6. Temples


8. Snorkeling!

9. Cotton Candy

10. Places I've traveled: Seattle, Georgia, Mexico, England, Oregon Coast, Canada

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